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Leicester Square - the seventh cathedral will officially open in December

With the growing popularity of audio-visual technology and the emergence of 3D imaging technology or virtual reality, the number of moviegoers has decreased dramatically. Travelers in the United States are less likely to see the movie, while in the UK theaters also share the scene "afternoon market". Instead of going to the movies like before, people choose other entertainment needs more quickly such as playing games or simply switch to Netflix movie channel. It is undeniable that movie theaters are no longer as "favored" as before. 

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This is also the reason why a system of British cinema has decided to cooperate with Dolby to revive the theater was dubbed as "Cathedral of the seventh art." 

Odeon 's Leicester Square cinema is one of Europe's most famous theaters. The cinema has 1,679 seats, a staggering number. Set in the heart of central London, this theater has hosted hundreds of premieres and royal festivities during its 81 year operation. Any famous movie could have premiered here, from James Bond to Harry Potter or Marvel's latest superhero movie releases. Leicester Square is a gorgeous interior, not to mention its exteriors, which also make it the center of attention for the whole of London. 

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In a 2017 poll, the results are pretty sad. Bypassing the beautiful exterior of the theater, most moviegoers comment that the service here is not good, the quality of seats uncomfortable or worse is the "hacking cut" tourists. Obviously, the majority of visitors here are curious tourists, but indigenous people of course they only come once, because of the quality is not as good as mentioned above. 

This caused Odeon to shut down the Leicester Square theater earlier this year to restructure. The company has also been acquired by AMC and officially co-operated with Dolby to apply LSC technology to the theater's audio-visual system. The cost of restructuring the theater is estimated at $ 19 million with the goal of bringing audiences to a high-end movie theater on the most current. 

Leicester Square cinema will be equipped with both Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos technology to provide the most complete audio entertainment experience for audiences. Atmos technology for the 5.1 speaker setup with downward-facing speakers creates a truly immersive 3D sound experience that gives the audience the experience they are living in the movie. . 

However, unlike many cinemas, Leicester Square is designed to be separated from the smaller rooms and the upper balcony. This causes a lot of difficulties in arranging acoustics so that they can best apply Atmos technology. Finally the cinema has chosen the solution to install two Atmos systems (both down and up) so that all rows of seats can enjoy the best sound. In addition to the speakers installed behind the big screen, Dolby also put a lot of speakers on the ceiling. The audience can only see two strips of speakers, the remaining strings are carefully hidden in the back of the cloth covering the ceiling, making the cinema look lower than normal. 

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In the projection room are two new Dolby Vision projectors that are waiting to be "boxed out" and begin to install. At the start of operation, they provide 108nit brightness for the screen, more than double the 48nit of the conventional xenon projector.Other advantages include higher contrast, P3 color reproduction and true black. 

Dolby Vision also supports HDR and 3D movies with much higher brightness than standard projection systems. The room also retains the original Leicester Square 70mm projector that is now housed in a plastic shell. Famous directors such as Christopher Nolan and Quentin Tarantino have shown their hit movies on the projector itself. 

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The seat design is also changed with the last few rows to be removed to create a more comfortable ride for the viewer, as well as make the room more airy than before. The result of this decision is that the total number of seats is reduced to 800 seats, which compensates for the completely refurbished seats, as well as for legroom and visibility to the screen. 

The movie theater project also aims to fix some of the design flaws that previous architectures caused to the prototype design of the building. Decorative frescoes are retained intact and painted only, while statues of goddesses on both sides of the screen are being restored and will be re-installed upon completion. 

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There are still design points that make the veterans of Leicester Square not satisfied, but we must also sympathize with Odeon on the cost, and after all, they have tried almost That's it. In addition, the screen and speakers of up to 25 tons can be removed and moved in the case of the use of cinemas such as theater. 

Another new corner in the cinema is the glass-enclosed bar that is covered by a curtain outside. Current moviegoers also often buy tickets online, so they will not need a ticket counter, instead they will have a few compact wall-mounted ticket machines for customers to use as needed. 

Odeon hopes Leicester Square will continue to be a hot spot for audiovisual events and the launch of new films. Dolby technology is sure to create a new wave that will take viewers away from their TVs or smartphones and go to theaters to enjoy the movies. This is the only way to stay alive because the experience at the cinema is completely different from simply sitting in front of the TV screen no matter how big it is. 


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